LES: We do not have school Nov. 23-25th! Please enjoy your break! We are thankful for LES families!
about 2 years ago, Karisa Cowan
Santa’s Coming to Hoisington Library, 169 S. Walnut, 10 a.m. Dec.3. Come see Santa and have your picture taken!
about 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
LES: all are welcome for math family engagement night today from 5:30-7:00 pm. We hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Karisa Cowan
There are some issues taking place between RevTrak and PowerSchool. This is making it difficult to make on-line payments. They are in the process of correcting this issue. If you would like to make payments toward fees or lunches please contact the district office at 620-653-4134 Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
Come to the Library to paint a fun Christmas decoration! Using empty bottles, you will paint a Christmas decoration with fairy lights. It will be 4-6 p.m. December 1st at the Hoisington Public Library, 169 S. Walnut. Free—for adults.
about 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
Lincoln Elementary is holding a math engagement night. Please check out our flyer. We hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Karisa Cowan
Math Night Flyer
LES: This is just a friendly reminder that we dismiss school at Noon today due to Parent-Teacher Conferences. We do not have school on Friday, October 28th. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Karisa Cowan
LES: Here is the link to view the live stream of the honor roll assembly. https://youtu.be/CJGUAZLOJSI 
about 2 years ago, Karisa Cowan
LES: parent teacher conference letters are coming home in folders today. If yours doesn’t make it home please call the office on Monday. Thanks!
about 2 years ago, Karisa Cowan
USD 431 is currently seeking to fill a vacancy on the Board of Education.  All positions are at large positions.  Anyone interested in filling this vacancy is asked to apply for the position by submitting a letter in writing by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 10, 2022  to Superintendent Patrick Crowdis at the USD 431 District Office, 165 West 3rd, Hoisington, KS 67544. Candidates will then be given a list of questions to submit by Friday November 18, 2022.   Those who have submitted their letter of interest will be asked to attend the December 5, 2022, Board of Education Meeting at 7:00pm for the selection process.  The newly selected board member will be sworn in at the board meeting January 9, 2023 at 7:00 pm. Thank you for your interest in serving on the USD 431 Board of Education.  
about 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
Message from the Hoisington Library: Hoisington Public Library will host Will Haynes speaking on “The Civil War in Kansas” at 10 a.m. Oct. 8. He is a Humanities Kansas speaker. For Kansans, the violent guerrilla warfare between proslavery and antislavery forces known as Bleeding Kansas foreshadowed the national Civil War to come. This talk presents the story of Kansas during the Civil War and how it helped shape the state’s image for years to come. Will works at the Watkins Museum of History in Lawrence.
about 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
UPDATE from the Hoisington Public Library: Hoisington Public Library will show the movie "Sonic Hedgehog 2”. This will be at 4 p.m. Sept. 22. There will be free popcorn. Bring a friend!
about 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
Message from the Hoisington Public Library: Hoisington Public Library will show the movie “Lightyear”. This will be at 4 p.m. Sept. 22. There will be free popcorn. Bring a friend!
over 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
Lincoln: Don’t forget that it is school picture day today. Thanks!
over 2 years ago, Karisa Cowan
Due to publication requirements and the USD 431 Budget and Revenue Neutral Rate forms not being published in the Hoisington Dispatch in the September 1, 2022 edition, the USD 431 Budget Hearing will not be on September 12th. The Regular board meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m., 9-12-22 The Budget and Revenue Neutral Rate Hearings will be held September 19, 2022 at 7:00 am at the USD 431 District Office, 165 West 3rd Street, Hoisington, KS 67544. If there are further questions please contact the USD 431 District Office. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
Please read the updated policy in regards to home contests.
over 2 years ago, Faron Kraft
Home Activities
Message from the Hoisington Library: Like to fashion crafts? Sign up at Hoisington Public Library for a spooky ADULT Halloween Craft 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sept. 17. Bring one clear glass Ball jar. It’s free. Our Sara is fabulous with crafts!
over 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
Message from the Hoisington Library: Fall Story Hour begins at 2 p.m. each Friday, Sept. 23-Nov. 18 at Hoisington Public Library. Bring your pre-schoolers in for a fun-filled afternoon with other parents and kids! Keren the Comfort Dog will be here Oct 14.
over 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
On Monday we had an incident take place at the Activities Center where a male mistakenly walked into one of the girls locker rooms. USD 431 has investigated the issue and determined this was an accident and this has been confirmed through several reliable sources. USD 431 is continuing to take steps to mitigate the possibility of this happening again. We appreciate the assistance from several in the community in this matter and we hope you will spread this message as well.
over 2 years ago, Hoisington USD 431
Lincoln Elementary School picture day is Wednesday, September 14th. Bring those smile :)
over 2 years ago, Karisa Cowan