FROM: Nick Flowers, K-8 Assistant Principal/ MS Athletics Director
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As the summer is coming closer to an end we are looking at sports and activities right around the corner. Before practices start for the 2022-2023 school year there are a couple of items that parents and participants need to be aware of.
1. Physical Form, Concussion Form, Emergency Information and Consent Form all need to be completed and handed into the office before participants will be allowed to participate.
a. All of these forms can be found on the USD 431 web page. Go to Middle School then Athletics and there are links to each form to print and fill out.
2. MS Fall Sports meetings will be held on August 16th @7:30pm
a. Location for meeting of each sport TBD at the Middle School
4. First day of Sports practices are August 15th
a. Coaches will talk with parents about schedules of their sports
Couple of other items for your consideration. I would recommend that parents and guardians take a look at our youtube channel, Hoisington Cardinal Video Production and subscribe (Free). We will be live streaming as many home events as possible. This is a great tool for family and friends that can not be at the event but still see their Cardinals in action. Lastly, please talk with your athlete after their sports meetings about topics coaches discussed dealing with rules, regulations, and safety. Being on an united front is always more productive and beneficial for all parties involved. Communication is key!
There will be more information to come as we get closer to the start of season and as our seasons start. Please check the school website for any new information that may be pertinent to your child. I highly encourage that every parent or guardian attends the sports parent meetings to help clarify any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you for letting your child be a part of Athletics and Activities at Hoisington Middle School. We look forward to another outstanding year and couldn’t do it without your support. “Go Cardinals”
Sincerely, Nick Flowers, K-8 Assistant Principal/ MS Athletics Director